
  • Winda Sri Handayani Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Yeny Prastiwi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Nur Hidayat Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta



Noken papua; character education; local wisdom; culture-based learning.


In the era of globalization, character education is an essential to address the growing challenges of cultural identity crises and moral decline. Noken a traditional Papuan craft, represents not only a cultural symbol but also a promising medium for culture-based learning. This study aims to explore the potential of noken as a character education tool and to fill the gap in the literature regarding its integration into formal education. Employing a literature review method, this research analyzes relevant sources such as books, journal articles, and research reports focusing on noken and its role in education. The findings reveal that incorporating noken into learning activities, such as storytelling and crafting, significantly enhances students’ cultural awareness, fosters social values like cooperation and responsibility, and promotes the preservation of Papuan heritage. Additionally, noken-based education encourages empathy, teamwork, and pride in local traditions, contributing to students’ holistic character development. The study concludes that noken can serve as an effective educational tool to shaping students’ strong character and recommendations integrating local cultural values into modern education curricula to ensure their sustainability and relevance


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Pattaro, C. (2016). Character Education: Themes and Researches. An academic Literature Review. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(1), 6–30.

Pikei, T., & Sihombing, A. A. (2023). Noken Local Wisdom As Representation of God’S Love. Al-Qalam, 29(1), 102.

Rahayu, M. I. F., Susanto, A. F., & Sudiro, A. (2024). the Meaning of the Principle of Local Wisdom in Management and Protection Law Environment Indonesi. Journal of Lifestyle and SDG’S Review, 5(2), 1–14.

Riyanto, R., Ferdhianzah, H. J., & Trilaksono, H. (2024). Culture-Based Education Innovation for Children’s Character Building in the Context of Educational Tourism Destinations. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 16(2), 2134–2147.

Samderubun, G., Nugroho, H., & Suharko, S. (2023). Noken, Women’s Identity Space and Strategy In Power Contestation. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, 2(03), 2019–2032.

Sari, D. D., Ilham, M., Fuadi, N., & Nurviani, R. (2024). The Implementation Learning Media Based on a Culture to Develop Student Character. Journal of Islamic Education Students (JIES), 4(1), 63.

Sudrajat, A., Iasha, V., & Hartanti, D. (2021). Character Values Learning Model In The Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan At The Elementary School Level Of DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (JPsd), 7(1), 55–63.

Teryola Afia Sunarti, E. R. dan Z. S. (2024). Kearifan lokal masyarakat dusun pinang dalam menjaga keberadaan tembawang di desa kecurit kecamatan toho kabupaten mempawah (. 18(2), 241–253.

Tiara Ramadhani, Danar Widiyanta, Yena Sumayana, Rengga Yudha Santoso, Puspita Dian Agustin, & Al-Amin. (2024). The Role Of Character Education In Forming Ethical And Responsible Students. IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education), 5(2), 110–124.

Tombi, P. (2021). Noken In Positive Legal Framework in The 2020 Election Of Regional Heads (Pilkada) In Indonesia. 14–17.

Wambrauw, E. V., Sambom, M., & Agnesari, L. (2023). Konservasi Sumber Daya Air Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Kali Eleli Kampung Helaksili Distrik Abenaho Kabupaten Yalimo. Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air, 3(2), 191–202.

Agustina, I. W., Sutama, I. M., & Rasna, I. W. (2019). Analysis of Character Educational Values in Folklore and the Relevance in the Formation of Student’S Character in Vocational High School. Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Sains Dan Humaniora, 3(1), 36.

Anon, W., Yogi, R., Runtuboi, Y. Y., Dwiranti, F., Sagrim, M., Anon, M., Djitmau, D. A., & Yogi, N. (2023). Knowledge and Values of Noken from Three Highlander Ethnics in Indonesian New Guinea. European Modern Studies Journal, 7(2), 176–193.

Arista, H. D. (2020). Development of Cultural Literation in Learning To Build Students’Character. ISCE: Journal of Innovative Studies on Character and …, 4(2), 221–231.

Bao, B., Paramma, P., Nurak, A., & Ayomi, H. V. (2023). Noken dan korupsi: Degradasi nilai budaya antikorupsi pada era otonomi khusus di Papua. Integritas : Jurnal Antikorupsi, 9(1), 109–120.

Gani, N., Aituru, Y. P., & Andrias, M. Y. (2019). PAPUA ( Suatu Pendekatan Legal Formal dan Kearifan Lokal ). 41–49.

Helena Grace Binu, Maya Lagu, Selvinus Iyai, Servinus Bria, Ovelita Yadantrar, & Susana Magdalena Welly Muskita. (2024). Keterampilan Menganyam Noken Sebagai Upaya Melestarikan Budaya Papua. Jurnal Manajemen Kewirausahaan Dan Teknologi, 1(3), 11–17.

Irawan, A., Riadi, F., Arifin, Y., & Kurniawan, W. (2024). Sosialisasi Nilai Karakter dan Implementasinya pada Peserta Didik di SMA Pasundan 2 Kota Cimahi. Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 7(1), 103–106.

Januar, A. (2017). Fungsi, Makna, dan Eksistensi Noken sebagai Simbol Identitas Orang Papua. Jurnal Patrawidya, 18(1), 57–70.

Jumriani, J., Mutiani, M., Putra, M. A. H., Syaharuddin, S., & Abbas, E. W. (2021). The Urgency of Local Wisdom Content in Social Studies Learning: Literature Review. The Innovation of Social Studies Journal, 2(2), 103.

Kosim, M. (2011). Urgensi Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Pembelajaran. Karsa, 9(1), 85–92.

Lisdiyono, E. (2017). Exploring the strength of local wisdom in efforts to ensure the environmental sustainability. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(11), 340–347.

Murtako, M. (2015). in Modernity Era. Ta’dib, 20(1), 149–164.

Nurhikmah, N. (2024). Character Education Islam From the Views of Imam Al-Ghazali. Jurnal Al Burhan, 4(1), 53–66.

Pala, A. (2011). the Need for Character Education. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 3(2), 23–32.

Pane, P., Suriyanti, I., & Sidabutar, T. (2024). Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter Sejak Dini Untuk Menyelamatkan Generasi. Jurnal Imparta, 2(2), 73–82.

Pattaro, C. (2016). Character Education: Themes and Researches. An academic Literature Review. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 8(1), 6–30.

Pikei, T., & Sihombing, A. A. (2023). Noken Local Wisdom As Representation of God’S Love. Al-Qalam, 29(1), 102.

Rahayu, M. I. F., Susanto, A. F., & Sudiro, A. (2024). the Meaning of the Principle of Local Wisdom in Management and Protection Law Environment Indonesi. Journal of Lifestyle and SDG’S Review, 5(2), 1–14.

Riyanto, R., Ferdhianzah, H. J., & Trilaksono, H. (2024). Culture-Based Education Innovation for Children’s Character Building in the Context of Educational Tourism Destinations. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 16(2), 2134–2147.

Samderubun, G., Nugroho, H., & Suharko, S. (2023). Noken, Women’s Identity Space and Strategy In Power Contestation. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, 2(03), 2019–2032.

Sari, D. D., Ilham, M., Fuadi, N., & Nurviani, R. (2024). The Implementation Learning Media Based on a Culture to Develop Student Character. Journal of Islamic Education Students (JIES), 4(1), 63.

Sudrajat, A., Iasha, V., & Hartanti, D. (2021). Character Values Learning Model In The Perkampungan Budaya Betawi Setu Babakan At The Elementary School Level Of DKI Jakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (JPsd), 7(1), 55–63.

Teryola Afia Sunarti, E. R. dan Z. S. (2024). Kearifan lokal masyarakat dusun pinang dalam menjaga keberadaan tembawang di desa kecurit kecamatan toho kabupaten mempawah (. 18(2), 241–253.

Tiara Ramadhani, Danar Widiyanta, Yena Sumayana, Rengga Yudha Santoso, Puspita Dian Agustin, & Al-Amin. (2024). The Role Of Character Education In Forming Ethical And Responsible Students. IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education), 5(2), 110–124.

Tombi, P. (2021). Noken In Positive Legal Framework in The 2020 Election Of Regional Heads (Pilkada) In Indonesia. 14–17.

Wambrauw, E. V., Sambom, M., & Agnesari, L. (2023). Konservasi Sumber Daya Air Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Kali Eleli Kampung Helaksili Distrik Abenaho Kabupaten Yalimo. Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air, 3(2), 191–202.




How to Cite

Sri Handayani, W., Prastiwi, Y., & Hidayat, N. (2025). BUILDING CHARACTER THROUGH NOKEN: LEARNING BASED ON PAPUAN LOCAL WISDOM. Dialectical Literature and Educational Journal, 9(2), 82-89.

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